I was just thinking, with the X21 getting extended to West, does that mean that the months of training the CLS drivers on the current X21 route was essentially wasted?
They'll also have to update the vinyls they've just fitted inside of the Xlines StreetDecks, and from looking at them they've been planning this for a while since there's plenty of space blank left after Tindale Crescent
I also wonder which route they'll take through Tindale, my guess is they'll just follow the 6 and miss out Sainsburys as I rarely see people get off there anyway and use the stop opposite Tesco.
What I think would be a better route is (if they continue to serve Woodhouse and end up on Greenfields Road) is go straight across the at the lights, right at the round about, right at the next one, stop at the Northbound Sainsburys stop, then rejoin the 6. That way they'd cut out having to wait an eternity to turn right at the lights and getting stuck in the never ending traffic jam caused by people trying to turn into Lidl!
RE: Go North East: Upcoming Service Changes v2