(02 Feb 2020, 5:54 pm)Adrian wrote It's really up to Nexus to mitigate that when they award contract work like this.
In the past, I've managed to give them enough earache to allow GNE tickets to be accepted on the 83A morning run, and also the 82/83 when Arriva had it on an evening. But its wholly on Nexus. Not the commercial operator or the contracted operator.
It’s quite a complicated one in that the operators have to reach an agreement with the local authority to accept tickets. Usually the daytime operator has to pay for the privilege, I understand.
For something like this, the evening contracted work supplements the daytime work, so it may be in the daytime operators’ interests to reach this agreement.
Good news is that ticket acceptance has been agreed now for the 11 and 19. Contracts yet to be awarded for the evening 41s.
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