(22 Mar 2020, 9:53 pm)Adrian wrote Unsure whether you're deliberately trying to troll the forum or you just have fresh air between your ears, but you want to start reading back some your garbage before considering posting on here.
An already overstretched NHS is on the front line in this. They are risking their own health through merely operating with the same professionalism as they do day in day out, due to the lack of PPE that is available. On top of this, many NHS staff are working an exhausting amount of hours, with limited time to even think about the things we take for granted; food, transport, etc.
Of course there are other key workers. I am one too, but peoples lives do not depend on my work. Very few in society have that level of responsibility. As for supermarket workers, they're doing an absolutely brilliant job right now, but its out of necessity following the sheer greed of others.
2nd that to being a keyworker
I'm actually dreading work this week, i don't know what its going to be like, how many kids will we have in, or anything....
Its gonna be a few long weeks/months.