It also ties nicely in with the prices thread and discussion which appears to have been ongoing over the course of today.
Here's the latest figures.
The current rate of BSOG is:
Fuel type Unit payable BSOG rate from 1 January 2014
Diesel Pence per litre 34.57
Biodiesel Pence per litre 34.57
Bioethanol Pence per litre 34.57
Biofuels – used cooking oil Pence per litre 34.57
Unleaded petrol Pence per litre 32.66
Natural gas used as road fuel Pence per kilogram 18.88
Road fuel gas other than natural gas Pence per kilogram 18.88
You can see it hasn't changed much over the last few years.
One point to note and one which is hidden at the bottom of the link/page, is the following:
You can draw your own conclusions, particularly when one 'premium' service (usually operated by the newer, more fuel efficient vehicles), charges higher fares than a service operated by older, more polluting, less efficient vehicles - despite the uplift and enhancements quoted below.
Operators of vehicles that hold a low carbon emission certificate may be eligible for an additional 6p per kilometre.
A low carbon emission vehicle must have 22 or more seats and be able to achieve a 30% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions compared to an average Euro 3 diesel bus of the same passenger capacity.
Operators may receive an 8% increase in their BSOG rate if vehicles have operational smartcard systems installed on their vehicles, and a further 2% increase if vehicles are fitted with automatic vehicle location equipment.