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Favourite rolling stock
There's been all sorts of discussion over the years about favourite buses, but I can't recall anything similar about trains. 

So I thought I'd start a thread! 

Travelled on all sorts over the years, across the UK and Europe. 
Not sure why, but the mainstays of the ECML for the last 30/40 years are up there. 
The noise, the ride, the speed of the 43's and 91's and Mk3/Mk4 coaches mean they're both a favourite. 

The recent reallocation of 158's to the region, reminded me of my fondness for them. 
I rode the 159's a few years back for the first time when working down south - new metals and a new variety of stock was a winner as far as I was concerned. 
I've often viewed the 158's as like an uprated Cxxx OCN Metrobus and the 156 as one of the earlier Axxx BCN versions. 
Not always a fan of multiple units, but the 158's seem to have something about them. 

No idea what the Dutch call their double decker trains or what they have pulling them, but I do like them.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
Favourite rolling stock
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RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock
RE: Favourite rolling stock