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RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
(02 May 2020, 3:08 pm)Dan wrote Hello everyone.

Behind the scenes we've been doing a lot of work on promoting our Bygone Era. We believe it's a fantastic resource, and would like more people to make use of it. Particularly in these unprecedented times where the Government are asking us to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives, we'd love to play our part in engaging with enthusiasts and keeping everyone entertained.

With that in mind, we've started using social media to automatically select random files, and, where possible, showing an appropriate photo to support this file. See example below:

This is driven by photos on Flickr added to the 'North East Buses' group ( or by the 'NEBuses' tag.

If the system detects a photo with the relevant words from the file description, it will be used in the social media post.

So, with that in mind, if anyone has (or can find) any old bus photos that would support files from the Bygone Era, please add them to our Flickr group, or tag them with 'NEBuses'.

Thanks a lot,

I don't follow the social media feeds, however when I click on the link and look at the twitter feed, it appears there's a bit of a glitch. 
The description doesn't seem to match the photo. 
I've attached two examples. 


I've noticed one particular twitter feed growing in popularity quite a bit recently.
Digging out photos and videos of yore. 
Take a look at Tyne and Wear Transport Flashback (@TyneFlashback):

No idea who is behind it, but they're attracting an increasing number of followers.
Without taking away anything they're doing, would what is being proposed here, simply dilute or detract from what is being done there? 
There's only so many old pictures that can be looked at over the course of a day. 
Could what you are proposing, be adapted to show more than just old pictures? There's the timetable resource plus much more in the forum and I think it would be a shame to not utilise those things which would make NEB stand out from the others.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos
RE: APPEAL: Old Bus Photos