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What are you doing now you can't go out?

What are you doing now you can't go out?

RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
I finally got round to making myself an avatar! Just knocked it up quickly in Illustrator (Yes, I'm still distraught they got rid of the Castles Express)

While sorting through my stuff, I found a £200 RODE shotgun mic that I got years ago, I'm contemplating whether I should just sell it because honestly I have no use for it anymore, or whether to keep it because I might need it one day! 

I also found a projector that I accidentally bought on ebay, I bid on it, a few days later a better one came up so I bought that, then got a notification saying I'd won. So I have an extra projector that's just been under a pile of clothes in my wardrobe for a few years.

I also finally got round to building a wall mounted spool holder for my filament I can change colours easier. I've been 3D printing a lot more now that I'm stuck in the house so it was a right pain changing colour. 

The kitchen is just about finished, although my sander has decided to pack in, I have another 2 but I left them down in Bishop!

RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?
RE: What are you doing now you can't go out?