Just looking at my own Fleetlist here, depending on the Services Changes in Sunderland for the 26/1/14, There be a Huge Difference in PVR on Services in that Area, Which could lead to majority of Deptford Depot's Buses becoming Available, as Currently we have no idea what could go where, but I do think we could see an Early Withdrawal of the Oxford Renowns as a Result of these Changes.
Here is what is Available
22 - Wright Solar - Ex Wheyaye50/FAB56
8 - Scania Omnicities - Ex Cobalt Clipper/Current 9 Allocation
10 - Plaxton President - Ex Pronto X21/ 2 Northern at Deptford
9 - Wright Cadet - Northern at Deptford
4 - Wright Renown - Northern at Deptford
7 - ELC Vykings - Northern at Deptford
Total = 60 Buses - 38 Belonging to Deptford
I excluded the Cobalt Clipper Citaros as we know they are going on the X21, Everything else I would say is up in the Air at the moment as the Changes are Unconfirmed.
Anyone fancy playing a Game of guess the PVR for the Sunderland Services as of 26/1/14?
RE: 2014 GNE Bus Order Predictions