(25 May 2020, 8:03 pm)Malarkey wrote Exactly so what is the point in it continuing to operate in it's guise when it is a dupe of another service for the majority of it's route, why not streamline that section into one service and by having it on a reduced frequency would also aid reliability across the route also.
Do you think a passenger is going to be that bothered about waiting 2 and half minutes extra for a bus?
Before you answer the question the likes of the 2/2A/4/26/27/56/97 & X1 have all had decreases in frequency in the last 3 years in order to improve reliability and to save money in the long term, this has also aided in the withdrawl from service of older buses in fleet, again another benefit for passengers.
The point is your increasing the service levels from Doxford Park to Tunstall and from Chester Road to Washington where the extra capacity isn't needed and taking it from the core of the route where the capacity is more needed and where there is competition with Stagecoach. At the same time your making an extra long bus route which will increase delays anyway so if something happens at Washington it's going to affect the whole route or similar with Doxford Park. I don't know the numbers but 8 buses an hour to 6 buses an hour is quite a big decrease in capacity whereas 2/4 buses to 6 buses an hour is a big increase when it's not needed. Your just moving capacity to the wrong place.