(17 Jun 2020, 8:59 pm)Storx wrote Bit off topic but seen mentions of the rebranding of the 56. Am I the only one who hates the brands, there's some where are really crap and ones which don't make sense currently.
Black Cats and Fab 56 just both look rubbish.
Cobalt and Coast, imagine getting a bus branded that which doesn't go to Cobalt or the Coast...?
Little Coaster, most irrelvant bus route for the 19 and 42 considering they're the only bus in most the places they serve that doesn't go to the coast - confusing...
Indigo exists in two different places (which defeats the point of a brand imo - some may disagree).
Back on topic, the ex London deckers have curved windows like Arriva so can't be one of them whereas it's clearly a square window - there's words for them but I've forgot them.
The ex London Deckers have gasket glazing and the native GNE stock have bonded glazing