(17 Jun 2020, 10:28 pm)BeachBoy99 wrote I agree with you on some of the newer brands however some of the older brands, in my opinion, have been amazing:
"Cobalt & Coast" is plain and kind of boring; hate the landmark illustrations in particular.
"Little Coasters" is, again, boring.
"X-lines" is alright, but some of the brands it's replaced/replacing were better – "The Castles Express" and "Red Arrows" being prominent examples.
New "Green Arrow" livery is way better than the old version and fits in with the eco-friendly theme which is great for communicating that message to environment enthusiasts.
"Black Cats" is phenomenal and so detailed. It's probably my favourite StreetLite livery because of the way it wraps around the shape of the vehicles, not to mention how perfect it is for the areas it serves given its S.A.F.C colour scheme.
"indiGo" I've always took a liking to, even more so since the 'simplified' version was established. I don't think having it in two different locations defeats the point of the brand, as the idea of it is to outline the minibus services it provides in smaller/local communities, i.e. Concord, Washington etc.; Peterlee, Seaham, Dalton Park etc."
"Prince Bishops" is one I hope they don't get rid of because it's now one of the oldest brands and has a significant meaning to Durham.
Loved "The 9". Gutted it's been cut back to between Sunderland and Hebburn.
Miss "Wear Xpress" a lot, as that was by far my favourite brand.
Xlines is a good brand, it's just a shame they killed off The Castles Express (which is my favourite of all the brands)
Prince Bishops is a brand that could easily be updated to fit the new design (Might do a quick mock-up in Illustrator since I've nowt better to do!)
I've never particularly liked the 'Arrows' brands, they always seemed a bit half-arsed to me. Just like The 49 and The 9 (although with The 9 they did slightly more than stick a big number on the side).
I disagree about Little Coasters being boring, I think it's just right. Any more and it would have just turned tacky.