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Commercial service changes - May 2020

Commercial service changes - May 2020

RE: Commercial service changes - May 2020
(13 Jul 2020, 9:39 pm)big mac wrote That did occur to me, but with things as they are at the moment, would GNE really want to put on a commercial service that they know will fail just to stick two fingers up to those criticising their changes? Given the current circumstances you'd want to be saving all the money you can.

Imagine the media outcry when those essential workers who have to use the 25 to work, suddenly had a faff on getting there, 'cos their bus to work was re-routed during a global pandemic?

I'm not saying they did do it that way to prove a point, but you can see why some would have those suspicions.

The Wrekenton - Harlow Green/Low Fell link could have been saved in so many other different ways. Ways, that wouldn't have necessarily seen the introduction of a new service and associated costs, just to maintain the Birtley South - QE connection.

Having just had another look at the timetable and the slack in it, I can't believe they're not sending it in to Barley Mow to penetrate the estate and potentially pick up extra passengers. Ditto at the other end and Windy Nook.
There will be people in those areas, who will need to get to the hospital once this covid19 is over with - yet are being ignored.
You have people on shifts in those areas, who may use public transport - but are being ignored.

You've then got the dinner break and 2 hour gap in service which would disrupt flow too.

Yet people wonder why it doesn't work?
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

Commercial service changes - May 2020
Commercial service changes - May 2020
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RE: Rumoured service changes - May 2020
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RE: Rumoured service changes - May 2020