(02 Jan 2014, 7:49 am)nk55 wrote Sure it was mentioned that the ex cobalt clipper omnis were heading to stanley for X30/31. Would this then allow for the 51plate tridents to go to crook for the pronto?. It would then allow 5 of the "worst" B7s to displace a similar number of W reg tridents from the fleet.
The ex whey aye 50 solars are getting painted in generic fleet livery, will they remain at chester to displace the trident/B10s off the X25?
Re B7s - I read on Facebook a good few months back that Renowns from Stanley were destined to replace SPDs 8239/41 to withdrawn - both of which have been sold to Ensign. Guess the Renowns are being freed up by the Omnis, can't imagine that plan has changed.
Re Solars - More than likely replacing all of Chester's SPDs.