Oooh, I forgot about what I said further up, and frankly I have even worse things to say now so I think I'll swiftly move on to another thing that's annoying me!
So for the past month and a bit I've been working on a new website for one of our businesses, one of the other partners is a professional copywriter so he was tasked with creating all the written content for the site. Now, bearing in mind the new site was originally supposed to be launched at the beginning of last week, I only got the content late Sunday night, and it was still missing a few pages.
I was promised the rest of the content Tuesday morning, that deadline has passed now.
The site was basically done, minus the couple pages that still need the written content, so me being me, got sick and tired of waiting and just set the new site live.
Like I said, he's a professional copywriter, and it's only a simple site. The writing that I received was fairly shoddy, didn't fit with the design of the website so I had to change a lot of it around anyway, and was full of spelling errors. We set a conservative deadline, and he assured me that it was more than enough time to get the content written, clearly it wasn't!
Anyway, moral of the story, if you want something doing, do it yourself!
RE: What's annoying you today? V4