Well it appears most of the changes are what we expected, exception been the 38. The 38/29 is a strange one as the 29 is basically the old 26 extended on has a PVR increase from 4 to 7 if our previous calculations were correct. I think the idea we believed was going to happen with the 29 running the 38 route then to Doxfore could be quite effective. X3 is also a strange one, can't see that lasting very long it's as if they are just cutting it cutting down until no one really notices it not been there. I do wonder if it'll be allocated an MPD.
East Durham changes are a hitty missy. The 208 changes are quite good I do like the idea and provides connections to Easington Colliery. 209/210 are a total rewind to last year, 265 changes are good, faster journey is needed. I hope the 204 works out as they seem to chop and changing the Belmont/Pittington as much as North Sunderland!
RE: Go North East - Latest