(02 Jan 2014, 6:51 pm)ADLEnviro wrote Thanks, Michael.
Well I will ask the couple of things that looked interesting to me and see if anyone knows the answer's
X36 - peak journeys between City Centre and Hylton Riverside, will that be an extension as stated in the bus briefing or stand alone from the main service. Is it going to run in both directions in both peaks or just to Hylton Riverside AM and from Hylton Riverside PM.
29/29A - route variation at Town End Farm. Is this going to be the same times as the Heworth extention.
99A - will this run from the Seaburn or Silksworth end to the City Centre or from a point mid route like Southwick or the Royal Hospital.
Not sure on any of them but the 29 will run every 20 mins on its full route also by the map the 29A wont serve town end farm on sundays.