(24 Sep 2020, 9:34 pm)ne14ne1 wrote For the very reason that more and more routes will become electric in the future I don’t think the route name should be changed to something electric related like Voltra, Electra or whatever.
Fair enough put something on the livery about it’s green credentials and market them as so, but do customers need or want to repeatedly listen to “This is the Saltwell Electric 54 to...”, “This is the Citylink Gas Cylinder 56 to...”, or “This is the Tyne Valley Hydrogen Powered 10 to...”.
I think when there's just a few routes that are electric, it makes sense from a marketing perspective to get the word out, and having dedicated branding for electrics makes sense.
For example, by launching the X-lines brand, GNE have brought quite a lot of attention to the 'expressness' (or lack of in some cases!) of routes, much more than they could have done through other forms of marketing. I think they'd want to do the same with the electrics, especially if they are still planning on having multiple electrified routes.
But for the same reason you mentioned, I personally don't like the whole 'look at me, I'm electric' type of branding that Voltra would entail (and the fact I absolutely hate the name, it just sounds awful).
Some of GNE's best brands have been where they have a local connection, and I think it would be a waste to not take advantage of the fact the North East has some history with Electricity.