(11 Oct 2020, 4:47 pm)L469 YVK wrote Seen that the last X47 broke down last night. Now I nornally give GNE plenty of credit but they should have a last bus guarantee that if a last bus can't operate and no suitable alternative within 1 mile of your usual stop, then a taxi should be provided either wholly or from the nearest 'safe point' (well lit, sheltered, CCTV) on the alternative route.
For example, a 'safe point' on the X45 would be the MetroCentre.
Obviously partnerships would need to be setup includong a list of 'approved' private hire firms depending on the area.
It should absolutely be a thing. If corporations like the Go Ahead Group or first or Stagecoach (let’s be honest GNE aren’t just lovely Dan and that nice man Martjn fella they are a huge business) are taking government (our) money like train operators then they should provide this service as we expect from our TOCS.
of course they won’t, until someone launches a legal challenge (a la wheelchairs) and forces them to act appropriately
(they may do ad hoc stuff)
I strongly feel it should be part of any future support or bailout from the treasury