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RE: 30 year rule
(03 Jan 2014, 7:17 pm)aureolin wrote Just goes to prove it always was Thatcher against the Miners, and really how much of a lying Tory **** she was. If only FOI existed back then it would have wrecked her credibility and I believe significantly shortened her term in office. Instead, we've just got anti-union laws en-mass, because of those big bad miners, and employers can do what they want without fear of wildcat strikes.

As much as I wished FOI could have been implemented back then, there was no way in this world she would have allowed it.

Everyone had an opinion of her, the facts seem to backing up the ideas and suggestions the left were making back then.

Just thinking how different the country would have been if she had been forced into calling a general election back in the 80's.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'

30 year rule
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