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Illuminated Cant Rails | ADL Enviro 200s & ADL Enviro 400s

Illuminated Cant Rails | ADL Enviro 200s & ADL Enviro 400s

RE: Illuminated Cant Rails | ADL Enviro 200s & ADL Enviro 400s
(23 Oct 2020, 8:21 am)ne14ne1 wrote Noticed a couple of Green Arrow E200s (or maybe its the same one?) over the last few nights and the full length cant rail lights were super bright green - very eye catching! Have they only recently been fitted/turned on?
5498 definately had them fitted however think the green arrows have been retrofitted. Nice to see they got got round to it  Smile

RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails
RE: Illuminated Cant Rails | ADL Enviro 200s & ADL Enviro 400s