(03 Nov 2020, 10:07 pm)OrangeArrow49 wrote Nexus are morons! Go North East should operate all of the bus services in the North East!
Stanley Travel were decent on the 84A I used to use, Gateshead Central Taxis...need I say more?
A-line seem decent, but haven't used them yet.
GCT operate all of their services badly! Well, apart from the 516 in South Shields (other than when they first stole it from GNE and the Streetlite didn;t have a working front destination!).
The bread vans are not too bad. Phoenix have one for the 808/15. Is the 32A going to be operated with Enviros on a Sunday again, or permanently back to bread vans? Gutted I missed the Enviros on the 32A!
I disagree on GoNorthEast should run all the bus services by Nexus as it just gives them an excuse to give up more services on the Evenings and Sundays. They've already done enough already yet other operators can run similar routes commercially.
Also what's wrong with Weardale they're quite a good little operator imo especially over Bishop / Weardale way.