(02 Feb 2021, 8:07 pm)James101 wrote I’ve just noticed the current timetables for 12-min frequency services such as 4, 20, X1 haven’t been simplified to every 15 minutes, they just drop a journey every hour. E.g. 00, 12, 36, 48. It’s not even the same journey each hour. It’s a bit naff that this isn’t made more clear, a 24 min gap is a long time to wait in the cold.
Maybe clever marketing from the company really. They’ve said they’re largely maintaining the 12 minute frequency but there will be some gaps of up to 24 minutes; means that for decent portions of the day there still is a ‘turn up and go’ frequent service.
However, it’s not great for the journey that follows a gap of 24 minutes! Could lead to busy journeys and social distancing is either hard to practice or they end up leaving passengers behind. I’m sure I’ll be reassured that this hasn’t happened, however.
I imagine the actual reason, is they’ve just withdrawn certain driver schedules and didn’t want the effort of retiming the other driver boards. I believe the same has happened on the Stanley M routes, one M is just missing, others not retimed. Suppose it’s a limited time only move.