(04 Mar 2021, 12:20 pm)CookieMonster wrote Well said the number on the offside is absolutely beyond stupid. The amount of times I've been pulled in because a punter see's Newcastle on the screen and then waves me away again because the number is not on the nearside (near to the kerb they are standing). They just see Newcastle and that's where they are going then wave me away again because they then see the number and see I'm going the long we around. Passengers at bus stops can't see the number on the offside if the bus is following another bus or a wagon. In Newcastle city center this is particularly bad as one bus tends to follow another. Problem is these things are thought of by people in offices who don't drive buses often and in some cases never at all. If your on the road day in day out they would see how much of a pain slight changes like this make.
I hope you're feeding it back every time it happens, it's all well and good complaining about it on here, but if you keep pestering management about it, soon enough they're going to have to do something about it.
I'm not sure if you'd be allowed to, but I'd also tell the passengers to complain on social media about it, the more people complain, the sooner they're going to have to stop messing about with things and copying Transdev just because MG seems to have a crush on Hornby!
Anyway, that's my rant for the week...
Since the new display controllers allow them to change the display based on GPS, would it not be a good idea for them to change to an offside number when they're at a bus station like Eldon Square where it's actually easier to see with the offside number, but then change back to normal once it's on the move?
That way you get the best of both worlds