Thinking more about it, it seems like a complete waste of money to me, realistically how much are they going to make.
If they're using a coach and we assume they fill it to around 75% capacity (which is basically as much as they could at the minute, if there are quite a few groups), that's say 35 people.
If a return ticket is £10 (which is all they can really charge since an explorer is £10.90 and I assume they'll want to accept it), that's £350 in revenue.
To run it, they're going to need to pay a driver to drive down, sit around for a few hours and drive back, so if we say a driver is £10 an hour, that's going to be around £110.
For the fuel, say they're getting 10mpg, and fuel is around £1.20 a litre at the minute, so it's going to be another £110 in fuel.
Then there's the cost of the vehicle, now I'd imagine GNE have a fair few vehicles laying around at the minute still, so that cost is probably fairly minimal.
Then there's all the admin costs, stand fees etc.
So they're potentially, in the best case going to be making just over £100 a day, unless I've got my maths completely wrong?
RE: New service X11