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RE: GNE NX contracts
(21 Mar 2021, 1:18 pm)WHEATSHEAF1 wrote There are services listed I’ve just tried Leeds to Sunderland, there’s a service L7 running
Imteresting I'll try doing abit of digging and see if there's anymore services listed.

Just found a network map effective next Monday (29/03) apparently they aren't running North of Leeds. Imagine megsbus will be getting a fair few new passengers travelling from Newcastle and Scotland down south.

GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
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RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts
RE: GNE NX contracts