(22 Mar 2021, 8:01 pm)mb134 wrote I've not used NatEx for years, so can't comment first hand, but I've noticed in bus stations over the past few years that Megabus coaches on similar routes to NatEx equivalents always seem to be carrying more folk. If I ever (pre-Covid) need to use a coach to get somewhere, I never even think of NatEx as the few times I did look their fares were considerably more expensive than Megabus.
Is there an actual future for NatEx? I find most younger people either book a train or use Megabus, or have access to a car if going places as a group.
I did some journeys in 2020 and there was some young-ish passengers on it, uni sort of age.
I must say I only plan on really using National Express again if the fare works out considerably cheaper than the train (or other travel options) as I see train as the preferable option as its more comfortable (found space on Gen 3 Levante's a bit poor) and the journeys are often longer, prices I've often found similar between NX and train but it's often worth the few extra quid for the train I feel.
I certainly don't fancy using it whilst covid is still a thing for multiple reasons: the times got absolutely hacked to bits, they changed my booking for return journey less than 24 hours prior to my outbound journey to 6am the following morning which I couldn't actually make so had to quickly amend it with only one seat left showing at this point with this journey being the originally booked trip/service but had now been diverted via Sheffield. There was also inconsistencies as to whether the toilets were or weren't to be in use, website said no, safety announcement says yes but the reality was it was pot luck as to what was being implemented. Something I was unaware of was the possibility of temperate checks prior to boarding which is a worry for me due to having issues with my sinuses and frequent headaches causing raised temperatures so there was a fair chance of me being left behind at Milton Keynes Coachway at 1am (been a nightmare living with that for the last 12 months as it aligns with some of the covid symptoms).