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Acquisition of PVL390 & PVL391 from Go-Ahead London

Acquisition of PVL390 & PVL391 from Go-Ahead London

GNE Hand Me Downs
East Yorkshire Volvo B7RLE/Wright Eclipse Urban 2 370 (YX10 EYV) and 372 (YX10 EYY) have both been acquired, being re-numbered 5502 and 5504 respectively in the Go North East fleet. Both are being prepared for service, in readiness for 10 April, when they will be allocated to scholars/duplicate services.

Go-Ahead London Volvo B7TL/Plaxton President PVL390 (LX54 HAA) has been acquired, being re-numbered 6942 within the Go North East fleet. Metrobus Scania CN230UB/Scania Omnicity 561 (YN08 OAS) and 562 (YN58 BNA) have also been similarly acquired, being re-numbered 5505 and 5506 respectively. Unlike the examples acquired in 2019 which were only brought up for cannibalisation and scrap, these will be used on scholars/duplicate services. When these services end operation, the pair will be cannibalised and scrapped, like the last examples.

Go North East has also taken into its fleet a number of vehicles on temporary loan, which, further to the vehicles above, will allow them to continue running 70+ extra vehicles on scholars/duplicate services to aid social distancing as a result of COVID-19, when service levels on the core commercial network resume, from 10 April. These are Scania CN94UB/Scania OmniCity 6513 (YP52 CTO) and Scania N94UB/East Lancs Esteem 6615 (YN06 JXZ) from the Metrobus fleet, allocated temporary fleet numbers 9054 and 9055 respectively, as well as former Lothian Buses Wright Eclipse Gemini bodied Volvo B9TLs SN57 DFJ/DFP/DFU/DFV/DFX/DFY from Ensign Bus Company, which have been numbered 9056 to 9061.

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