(01 Apr 2021, 7:50 pm)Rapidsnap wrote Interestingly according to the Month Ensign News is that EYMS have acquired this Volvo B5TL / Wright Gemini 3 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/75694280@N02/26247181299) KD17TAU (Was 171-D-25062), a bit of a suprise since the other 2 (albeit with the old style front) were transferred to GNE where they already had Wright Gemini 3 bodied B5TL with the "stealth" front. I thought this would have been a better match for the GNE fleet rather than the EYMS fleet and send them a Volvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 down there to save EYMS having non-standard vehicle.I'm guessing part exchanged for one or two surplus ex National Express coaches.
Perhaps for the EY coaching fleet (to replace 200)?.