(17 Apr 2021, 10:56 pm)mb134 wrote Hard to justify brand new vehicles for a seasonal PVR increase though, and those B7s are reportedly pretty reliable (and are having engineering attention ahead of the summer season). At the moment the B9s are obviously undergoing work ahead of the summer (though this should have been done in the winter, really).I won't go into too much detail on here with it being a GNE thread. But realistically, they should be replace with OM936 StreetDecks (as part of wider investment) with 3x or 4x moving to Ashington for the X14 or X20. That would then leave 2x or 3x as NE floats.
On the GNE having more shorts, where would they operate that from? It would be far more suited to EYMS, if anyone. Also for the additonal bus, if the spare (2862) has already been put out then realistically nothing would be able to get to Scarborough until the next bus rocked up regardless - drivers also make it known to supervisors if they hit bus full and leave folk behind, to my knowledge, so if something could be done it probably would have been.
RE: New service X11