(15 Jun 2021, 1:48 pm)Michael wrote Oops I missed "Consett" out... Consett Streetlites to Percy Main* - also it was just a summary of what had already been post on here - wasn't confirming anything.
So is the 39 keeping the Streetlites?
What I’ve put is correct from what I’ve seen mentioned
The Consett ones are likely to go on the Q1/Q2 - since there’s not enough of them to replace the B5Ls on the Coaster like for like
The bulk of the Deptford Streetlites will be off to Percy Main - likelihood is minimum of 14 Streetlites to Percy Main (Coaster is PVR 13 plus at least a spare) and the rest to Riverside as spares for the Q1/Q2 and the 49/49A