(28 Jul 2021, 9:28 pm)Storx wrote I might be naive but surely things like where the bus actually goes, how frequent it is and how much it costs would be things that would attract you on a bus. To me it looks like an advertisement for Washington Galleries as in there's no parking hassle in terms of it's easier to park at Washington than Sunderland or Newcastle.
Assuming those wanting to travel to the Galleries live west of the A19 (that's where it changes its display from Washington to The Galleries if I remember right).
There are very few unique sections of the route between the A19 and the Galleries.
There's very little housing between the A19 and Penshaw Equestrian Centre.
Beyond there, you've got the section to Shiney Row roundabout (X1 and 4 are clearly kings of that neighbourhood - being quicker and more frequent).
You've also got a unique section between Barnwell roundabout and the bottom of Wensleydale Avenue.
There's one stop outside Southcroft - Galleries bound that is unique.
There's a tiny section along Fatfield Riverside (three pubs, a working men's club and 5 houses) which is unique to the 2/2a.
Every other part of its route beyond those two sections, is shared with buses that also go to and from the Galleries. They're either quicker or more frequent.
Quite why they think a 'cringe' advert on the back is going to make any difference and attract people on to that route is beyond me.
But maybe I'm naeive too.
People may laugh, point and joke. But I genuinely can't see the residents of Barnwell and Penshaw suddenly deciding to have a trip to the Galleries cos of a raspberry.
Stick the stuff on you mention and I'd argue it has a lot more value.