(07 Aug 2021, 9:58 pm)stagecoachbusdepot wrote The obvious Sunderland link would have been coals if you needed something to describe a dark black grey colour. But that would have had some local relevance hence the selection of something completely obscure.
Even beyond the questionable choice of brand names and graphics, it even makes little sense as a "simple tube map" as the colour descriptors are so ... undescriptive. How many people are going to say oh do I want the graphite line or the voilet line (or one of the other four purply coloured lines. Or mistakenly punt for the blonde line being yellowy and end up in Jarra. Coloured route branding isn't a bad idea but this is just really badly executed.
At least GNE are trying to make their fleet stand out and get passengers back on the buses because i've seen Stagecoach and Arriva do nothing at all.