(09 Aug 2021, 10:01 am)transportintyneandwear wrote I always see a pattern when taking pictures. When I take pictures of GNE buses the drivers either don’t take notice or they wave. There’s a particular driver that is usually on the 57 that always waves. When photoing Arriva they just don’t mind. No waves but no foul gestures.
However, the first and only time I photoed Stagecoach buses, there was already many problems. I was at South Shields. Just keep in mind that I am 12 years old, and I was 11 at the time. Some of the drivers didn’t mind, no waves or anything. Most others rolled their eyes or had an annoyed look on their face, which I understand some people don’t want to be photographed so I didn’t most most of those. And finally there was a select few of drivers who put their rude fingers up at me, which is not a great thing to do at children.
This is why I only photograph GNE buses.
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You've probably been unlucky, because in about 13 years of taking photos, I've only had this happen a handful of times. I wouldn't say any operator is worse than the next for it, but you're always going to get the odd idiot... if someone is daft enough to give me a middle finger when I'm taking a photo, it'll still go up online and it's out of my control if someone takes exception and reports it to the operator.
I wouldn't expect waves or anything, as you've got to appreciate that the driver's attention is on the road, not someone standing taking a photo of their bus. Especially if you're in or around bus stations.
It's the general public that have more of a problem with photography from experience, but even then, most are just curious about what you're up to. So being polite and having a chat is always best policy.