Thanks for the reply
Is there not a Nexus "inspector" based at eldon square ( at peak hours at least)? Granted he works for nexus?? but surely his job is to help customer and surely he would know someone to contact at GNE to see why a 12 minute service hasn't had a bus show up for over 45 minutes? Also, Arn't all GNE buses fitted with radios? The number of times i've waited for buses and asked another driver from the same company if he can help by finding out what the crack is i get a shrug of shoulders Could they not have radioed control to ask what was happening for me?
When i was waiting for the 56 at market 3 27s and 2 57s left the bus stop. Surely if one of those drivers had been advised by control to inform anyone waiting to jump on their bus and a 56 was getting turned round at gateshead I wouldn't be adding this to the reply?
RE: September Service Changes