(07 Sep 2021, 7:57 pm)streetdeckfan wrote Yeah, the new Arriva app is fairly buggy, but for me closing it and reopening it usually solves the problem. At least the M-tickets seem to work even if the app is borked.
I like the idea of push notifications, but I think that would be fairly difficult to implement without irritating people. I think obviously it would have to require people to 'subscribe' to notificaitons for a particular route, but would I have to set it up in the morning before I leave, deactivate it once I get to wherever to stop me getting notified throughout the day when I'm probably busy, then reactivate it before I leave?
I think a better, simpler option would be to basically copy what Arriva does, and just show on the live times if a bus is delayed or cancelled, rather than just updating the time and pretending it's running to timetable, or just removing the service and pretending it doesn't exist!
You're right, NEXUS did (and I believe still does) have NFC tags at stops, but last time I tried they didn't work at all. They didn't even direct me to a dead link, they literally did nothing.
I reckon those push messages could easily have a time-out function, which then restricts how long the notifications were sent.
Bib: assuming punters have the app or the phone to do so, then yes. I agree.