(28 Sep 2021, 12:14 pm)Chris 1 wrote Hmmm
RHA chappie makes selective comments about driver/fuel shortages, ensues panic buying and public outrage about the so called 'driver shortage' and puts pressure on the government to allow EU migrants back to drive HGVs....
I'm sure it's a coincidence that the RHA have been lobbying government on behalf of their members to have HGV drivers on the occupation list....
I don't know why we keep referring to it as a 'so called driver shortage'? It's abundantly clear that a labour shortage exists, the same as it does in other low-paid/poor conditions sectors such as hospitality and the social care sector.
As for allowing EU migrants back to work; if I was one, I don't think I'd want to come back after years of being treated like second-class citizens in the UK.
We've made our own bed, as they say.