(21 Oct 2021, 10:23 am)ThomasBooth123 wrote Black cats lives on with 5463 for now anywayAlbeit on the Prince Bishops
Two more of the six serviceable branded Graphites. The scribble shows up perfectly - when the sun hits it straight on. I don't care for broadside photographs, so being a three quarter angle photographer, you wont see much of this silvery grey scribble.
674 NK16BXR | Optare Solo SR M925 674 travels along Ryhope R… | Flickr
677 NK16BXV | Optare Solo SR M925 677 travels along the B152… | Flickr
One of two little DF's on the Graphite's today, 8343 (the other was 8340)
8343 NL63XBN | Wright Streetlite DF 8343 travels along the B… | Flickr
The Berrie that should have been but isn't 8331 on the 2/2A circuit
8331 NK11HJX | Optare Versa V1110 8331 travels along Ryhope … | Flickr
Clinging to life on the 'Blue' 61 service Mercedes 0530N Citaro 5484