(24 Oct 2021, 6:23 pm)L469 YVK wrote The Monday to Friday frequency has re-increased however, the Saturday frequency remains at every 20 minutes each. No doubt Arriva have initially re-increased to every 15 minutes each so they can at least assess passenger numbers. The X6 has already been withdrawn as a 10/20 minute service on the 306/308 wouldn't accommodate the X6 and no doubt the X6 would've probably made 'some' money for Arriva going against the flow as opposed to a full 15 minute service on the 306.
To implement newer and more efficient interworking patterns would take time including planning rotas and sourcing suitable vehicles (most likely extra DB300s). Not forgetting that Arriva could also bid to extend the 51A and partially replace the 359.
Billy Mill, West Chirton, Silverlink, Willington Square and Selby Gardens are still good strongholds for Arriva. However, they could still provide roughly (give or take) the same capacity on these sections of route with lower operational costs and a more streamlined frequency. And although there's other purposes than the Coast Road for the 308, lets not forget that the 309 (even before the £1.70 / £1 fares) offers fairly serious competition.
Now your point regarding the 43, that again has good strongholds and in fact, I'd say Wideopen is rather underserved. a 6/7/7 frequency with the 43/44/45 (similar to the 309/310/311) would actually provide more capacity and also offer a more streamlined service with the 45 to / from Lockey Park in Wideopen. At the moment, the 43 carries all the burden and no actual coordination with the 45.
The X6 got cancelled because it was constantly dead and people are working from home now, there's no need for the service.
Also the bus is every 20 minutes on a Saturday because there's a driver shortage and driver's are less likely to do overtime on a weekend hence the absolutely horrendous cancellations in Consett and Washington yesterday. The 306/308 are the least of the problems in Arriva Northumbria for loadings; there's the 52, 54, X9 and X14 to take that record, unless it's making a loss then there won't be changes. It makes no sense to put a bus upto 15 minutes to 'test loadings'. You'd put the bus upto every 20 minutes and if the demand is high then go upto every 15 minutes like Stagecoach has been slowly doing. Doing it the other way is illogical especially when you have a shortage of drivers.
Also the people of Marden don't want the 51A extended with a bus around the North East going to Newcastle via absolutely nowhere, I'm sure ian foster if he reads this can vouch for that. It's about a link to Tynemouth Morrisons from Tynemouth and Marden estate more than anything as they lost the link when the X8 (might have been X9) was withdrawn. It's nothing to do with Newcastle, most people from around there walk to Cullercoats Metro or Foxhunters so there's no benefit of running quicker buses (sadly).