(03 Nov 2021, 7:10 pm)DeltaMan wrote Newcastle would play a maximum of 19 home league games on a Saturday out of 52 Saturdays a year though. So the bad day run times would get flattened out by the normal days wouldn't they? Maybe GNE should have a 52 different Saturday timetables!
Excellent idea. You should send it in to GNE Towers as a suggestion.
You might get a pat on the back for it.
Or they could say it's a load of tosh, look at the services they have shadowing each other between Derwentside and the Metrocentre or Derwentside and Newcastle and come up with some sort of plan, so that when traffic gets busy on the Metrocentre approach roads and a bus gets delayed and then it gets delayed again approaching Newcastle, gets slowed down on the way back out and again in the areas around the Metrocentre - something is in place to mitigate the delays.
It only takes a couple of missing buses for those elastic punters to give up on public transport and make the switch back to the car.
It only takes a couple of those punters cars to delay a bus even more.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Operators doing the same old over and over doesn't improve or change anything.
Thumbs might be lovely to sit on but I'm sure punters prefer them to be used more constructively too. Maybe being used to desig a network that works for a start.