(09 Nov 2021, 4:52 pm)Storx wrote People will disagree here but unless they make changes to the Arnison ie a bus gate, from where Greggs is onto the main road then I'd pull everything out of there. It's not worth delaying the rest of the service for the severe traffic problems, mainly caused by no-one controlling the McDonald's queue line from backing onto the main route.
I'm not sure they even need to go in to be honest. Stick a decent stop/crossing behind Subway to complement the one already by Lidl and it solves the issue of buses heading in and looping around.
Long term, I'd ensure the bus gate was adapted so it wasn't just one-way and counter the problems caused by the queues of traffic.
I'd hazard a guess quite a few of those cars are from areas such as Lanchester, Stanley etc.