(06 Dec 2021, 10:17 am)mb134 wrote That brief not make it to the Quaycity or Voltra designers then?
The brief was obviously to make the Q3 look very similar to the LBA services. https://flic.kr/p/2kGWoCy
(06 Dec 2021, 10:13 am)Dan wrote I don't think it's fair to blame Best Impressions.
Go North East has briefed in the design concepts to the agencies which they use (not limited to Best Impressions). Go North East's Managing Director made it very publicly known when starting at the company that his view was that all branded buses should have something that ties them together in one house style, having achieved something similar in his last position at Reading Buses.
This 'house style' is two colours separated by two 'road stripes' on a 55-degree angle. Inevitably any other operators using a similar livery design will look similar - there are only so many colours in the rainbow, especially colours which don't jar... That's not the design agency's fault, that's the operators'.
Ironically, and further reiterating my point, the two examples Andreos gave above (First Leeds & Tyne Valley 10) were designed by different agencies.
Take away that corporate road stripe and the differences are even harder to detect.
Do you not find it bizarre that different operators in various parts of the country all seem to be jumping on the same pattern or theme? With designers seemingly struggling to come up with something unique or different?
Yet, designers in other parts of the world (away from the corporate templates set out by those in say Doxford Towers) seem to manage fine.
Unless they're all copying each other (I mean are inspired by) and are desperate to have a curve or vertical/diagonal line of some sort.