(18 Jan 2014, 10:09 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote Sounds like a plan to me, as for the Bus from Edinburgh i'll go for the cheapest option which will be that 55 more than likely, How long did you spend at Lathalmond Daniel, as usually I normally spend around 2 Hours when I go to Bus Rallies, Although at Durham last year I was there an Hour and Decided it wasn't that good and went back home after taking a few photos.
Looking at the EXIF info on my photos from that day, I arrived at the museum at 11:30am, and left at 15:35pm.
Of course as I knew a few enthusiasts from up that way I was indoors chatting with them, and if you have seen the photos, you'll have noticed the varying weather conditions. I did a full round of the site twice to get photos in the sun as well as in the very heavy rain.
SVBM is huge compared to the stuff we have in the North East. They have shuttles for just going around the museum, nevermind going to Dunfermline and back!