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Go North East: Withdrawn Vehicles & Fleet Disposals

Go North East: Withdrawn Vehicles & Fleet Disposals

RE: Go North East: Withdrawn Vehicles & Fleet Disposals
No ticket machine or O-Disc either.

Also to add, this along with 637 and 639 arrived in 2012 when GNE won the 353 contract. They are also slightly different in being the only M900 (previous arrivals were M880s and ones after were M9250.)

Quite possibly being on a long term lease for 10 years and due to expire, though I'm not sure as GNE claim to own their vehicles. But with these coming into the fleet specifically for the 353 contract, I don't know.
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RE: Go North East: Withdrawn Vehicles & Fleet Disposals
Go North East: Withdrawn Vehicles & Fleet Disposals
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