(20 Jan 2014, 7:06 pm)Dan wrote Not sure whether everyone would go for £20/head... I'm trying my best to get it down as cheap as possible, but proving difficult when most of the companies are wanting £500+.
Best deal so far is with Jim Hughes, at £450. To get that at £15/head, we need 30 passengers to occupy a 33-seater midi-coach. If it was £20/head, we would need 23 passengers. I'm not sure how many really will go for it - there's only 5 definite 'Yes' answers on the poll at the moment with 5 'Maybe' answers. So for argument's sake, let's say 7 people will go. I think it would be rather difficult to get that up to 23, nevermind 30. Most won't want to hand in the money beforehand rather than just on the day, but there's obviously no security at my end if it does go tits up.
If we did miraculously get 30 passengers for the trip and we charged £20 each, that's obviously £150 which we could have to play around with. Putting it back into the next trip would be a great idea though.
Understood mate...
Out of inrerest, who exactly have you approached up to now, is there anything any of us can do i.e. asking businesses on our own doorstep...Where I live, just to name a few I have Snowdens, Pygalls, Northstar, Ted Wilford...Roberts, Safari and Don Smiths(if those last 3 are still in Business)...I am seeing my mate on Saturday, when I was a volunteer for him at a Youth Group we used to have 3 or 4 outings a year and would almost always book a coach and would always get a good deal even though we would mostly only fill half a full sized coach...
Anyway, thanks Dan for enquiring into it on behalf of everyone, what you should do and I know you have said as much already is open seats up to everyone, put the word out to the whole North East Enthusiast Scene on a first come, first served basis once you know who from NEB would be going...
Keep up the good work pal (Y)