(20 Jan 2014, 9:09 pm)Adam Malarkey wrote Just a thought, what about contacting Taxi Companies like Gateshead Central Taxis see if they do Hires for the Day as no doubt it'll be Cheaper than Hiring through JH and Kingsley's etc, GL Minibuses of Washington is another one that has came to mind if we going to struggle to get above the "15 People Mark", as they do 12/14 and 16 Seater Minibuses (Ford Transits).
Thats a good idea Mr Malarkey, there is of course taxi companies in general, just about all have at least 8 seaters and we could probably get a decent enough deal if only 7 was interested, again I will have a look about...
If this comes off would it be good to arrange a local meet in advance(probably one of the local events i.e. Metrocentre), I already know a couple of people off here namely Messrs. Malarkey and Houston, would be good to acquaint myself with others

FAO Dan: Check your PMs mate