(16 May 2022, 12:35 pm)MurdnunoC wrote I think the splitting of the 20 is the most amusing change.The 55 gets quite busy, during the day. What they could do is extend the 55 to South Sheilds and every half an hour extend it to Peterlee
For years, GNE tried to convince passengers that the long established 35 (or 535/536 in its previous form) was no good and customers would be better served by extending the 20 to South Shields. IiRC, this was rejected by passengers a few times when consulted, only for GNE to force the change through when that particular avenue was exhausted. So now what do they propose? To split the 20 into two different services. I guess extending the 20 wasn't the best option after all ??
I think a mod need to combined the 24th July changes with this thread