(18 May 2022, 3:44 pm)Storx wrote Not sure where to post this so I'll post it here but just a trail of thought here but is it just me which things the GNE network in general is broken in areas. There seems to be a massive obsession with having one primary route that does one route then everywhere else streets away just rots.If you replace loads of infrequent services with one main bus route at a high frequency thorugh the middle of where people live, then that would normally mean you should attract more people within walking distance of the main road than you lose by not diverting off the main drags. Given how frequent the 21 remains between Chester and Newcastle, that would lend credence to the idea that removing routes such as the 777, 721 etc were, on balance, the right thing to do.
Just picking on the 21 as it's one of the worst for it surely a better well designed network like pretty much every other network including Arriva (see 43, 44, 45, 46 up the GNR for an example) would be to split it up into individual routes such as:
R1 - Newcastle to Brandon (2bph)
R2 - Newcastle to Langley Park splitting at Chester le Street (2bph)
R3 - Newcastle to Washington via 82 route splitting at Birtley (2bph)
R4 - Newcastle to Pelton via 28 route after Birtley (2bph)
R5 - Newcastle to Kibblesworth after Harlow Green (1bph)
R6 - Newcastle to Eighton Banks after Harlow Green (1bph)
(These are just examples not suggestions, don't want to discuss where they go it's not the point of the post)
Surely this provides a better service for everyone with 10 BPH between Harlow Green and Newcastle (R1 - 6), 8 BPH to Birtley (R1 - 4) and 4 BPH (R1 - R2) to Chester Le Street with all the local communities which are now getting hammered because they can't pick up punters as they're on longer routes going around the world where there's no passengers being cut. 25/28/29 in particular and removes duplicates which was supposedly a point of the BSIP not to mention loads of new direct connections. I haven't worked it out but the PVR has to be lower than the current 21/25/28/29 combined or close and almost everyone wins with mostly quicker services (CLS the only loser but they've got the X21 anyway). Instead there's 4 buses just running to CLS on one corridor and terminating yet everywhere else in Birtley and CLS has no service, at all, now to Newcastle. If they were all numbered in a block say the 20's then people going to Low Fell know to just get any 20 bus it's not exactly confusing.
Similar could be said for the rest of the Washington locals where there's minibuses running around struggling and 15 minute corridors next door just passing by not picking up people surely routes could be changed to get arid of them altogether, people don't want to change buses. There's other areas aswell which are the same.
RE: Go North East: Major Service Changes July 2022