(27 May 2022, 8:27 pm)Dan wrote You’re deluded if you truly believe there hasn’t been extensive discussions between Go North East and the local authorities about these proposed changes.
The reason they are keeping quiet is because they cannot yet ascertain what kind of service provision will be maintained - what can be captured within their budget and if they need to make some savings on their existing contracted bus network to pay for something else.
I’d hazard a guess that the local authorities are not too disheartened by the fact they finally have an opportunity to review poor-performing contracted bus services which carry very few passengers, which offers very little value to taxpayers.
I’m looking forward to you making these same comments about Arriva and Stagecoach when their cuts come later this year.
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I never said there wasn't any discussion between GNE and the LA's
But why do the public need to know yet? Surely the right thing would be to wait what can be saved by the local authority before releasing a list of services that 'might' be saved. It doesn't help someone in Ouston travelling to Newcastle that they 'might' have a service but we don't know yet. It does however cause potential fear of someone who doesn't have an alternative.
By all means consult on stuff like the X45/X46 changes etc there's nothing wrong there.
It's just putting pressure on Nexus / DCC to do something and if they don't then your taking half the blame as we publically said that it's upto you hence the comments on the bad PR should be going to the right party.