(01 Jun 2022, 11:33 am)streetdeckfan wrote If we assume they got 8500 responses, and spend 30 seconds reading each one, that's 71 hours (9 working days) to just read them, never mind coding them up into themes and actually analysing them.As responses to the survey were by route number, I assume that the software will sort the responses by route, and that many of the comments for each route will be very similar. I also think that they will have been reviewing the responses every day so as to get a picture of which will produce the most flack.
I also expect that, behind the scenes, GNE have been continuing discussions with Nexus/DCC, and that any response in terms of secured services will have been refined as the days have gone by.
I can't see any of the half hourly evening services being replaced other than by hourly services, and expect that, like North Tyneside, some existing Nexus secured services will be reduced evening & Sunday from every 30 minutes to hourly.