(01 Jun 2022, 8:19 pm)Adrian wrote I'm not convinced they have, to be honest.I put it in my local facebook group and even quite a few of them seemingly didn't know it was a thing. I think by drivers mentioning it, they meant they direct you to the website, rather than explaining changes and taking feedback. I, however, haven't seen anything about it either from that perspective. COuld it not hurt to put it in one of the slides on the TFT NSAs (which are still advertising the March changes in North Tyneside and the X1's increase in frequency, at least on the 56), or put a poster up on buses that don't have the TFTs, where they sometimes to put service change notices?
When I asked why posters and leaflets weren't produced, allowing less tech savvy passengers the opportunity to respond, I was told that they have put messages on their social media, their website and in newspapers.
Newspapers as the only written media to those who don't use the Internet, I'd say has very limited scope. I only read the Chronicle and the Metro personally, but I haven't seen anything in there, other than the articles condemning GNE to hell, under the guise of 'journalism'.
They also added that drivers are mentioning the changes to the passengers, but again I'd say this has very limited scope. Looking at my own log over the last month, I've travelled on 72x Go North East buses, yet I've not seen one driver communicating (or taking feedback on the changes). How does this even work as a two-way process? You'd have buses running hours late, if drivers were expected to explain changes and document responses.
I did notice on social media that someone, who presumably works at the QE, made the point of putting their own posters up to advise patients...
The 'what people do vs what people think' argument should be covered by the data GNE have. Anyone using multi-trip tickets on smartcards or the app are sharing a token with GNE on every scan, so theoretically they should be able to track travel patterns and connections. Whether or not their software allows them to do that or not is another matter.
RE: Go North East: Major Service Changes July 2022